SCRT logoThe Settle and Carlisle Railway Trust (SCRT)

The importance of the built heritage of the Settle & Carlisle was recognised by the Minister for Transport, at the time consent for closure was refused. The Minister proposed the establishment of a charitable trust, to assist with the restoration of buildings and structures on the line. The Settle & Carlisle Railway Trust was established by Trust Deed on 14th March 1990 and is registered with the Charity Commission (No 702724).

Geographically the Trust’s activities cover the line from Carlisle to Settle Junction; Settle Junction via Hellifield to Leeds and Hellifield South Junction to Blackburn. However, for the foreseeable future, the Trust will focus on the route from Hellifield to Carlisle due to the wealth of historic and architecturally important elements that are contained on this section of route. This also aligns with the boundaries of the Settle & Carlisle Railway Conservation Area.

The Trust’s activities are encapsulated in the following key objectives:

  1. Preservation, restoration, maintenance and protection of structures, buildings, plant and equipment connected with the above lines that are of historic, cultural, architectural, constructional or scientific interest, or exhibit craftsmanship worthy of preservation.
  2. Promotion of public access to the structures and plant and public knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the architectural, constructional or scientific and craft features.
  3. Promotion of public knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the historical and cultural aspects of the above lines, and the area through which they run.
  4. Such other charitable purposes for the advancement of education associated with the lines, and the surrounding area as the Trustees shall think fit.

Each organisation has its own web site.  You can visit SCRT at

Each organisation has its own social media accounts.  You can follow SCRT on Facebook Settle and Carlisle Railway Trust.