November 2010
Cover photo: Ribblehead timber freight flow begins.
Photo. Pete Shaw
The major theme of the issue is a celebration of the fact that after years of disruption, the entire track, all the way between Settle and Carlisle has been replaced. New track, new signalling, restored viaducts and tunnels - all a far cry from the dark days of the 1980s when the line seemed almost certain to close.
A further indication of the success is the establishment of a new freight service from the old quarry sidings at Ribblehead. Timber felled from the plantations on Cam Fell is being moved by rail from Ribblehead to Chirk where it is chipped for fibreboard and other wood products. A number of colour photos accompany Pete Shaw's report.
The issue also includes the second instalment of Rodney Hampson's description of his life as Stationmaster at Dent in the 1950s
The full magazine is normally available for download when the following one comes out. As a member of FoSCL you receive the printed version four times a year.