For five days, from Saturday 24 until Wednesday 28 October 2020, the Settle and Carlisle line between Settle Junction and Kirby Stephen will be closed.
Network Rail will be replacing two underbridges, Banks and Forsters, which are located along the route between Settle and Blea Moor.
In addition, Network Rail will also be competing the final stages of the major refurbishment on the Grade 2 listed Ribblehead Viaduct, which started in the Spring.
Our Settle and Carlisle services between Leeds, Settle and Carlisle will be split to run as two separate train services; between Leeds and Skipton in the South and between Kirkby Stephen and Carlisle in the North, with rail replacement buses running
between Skipton, Settle and Kirkby Stephen. Our Settle and Carlisle DailsRail service which runs on Sundays
between Blackpool, Preston, Blackburn, Clitheroe and Carlisle is currently suspended and, as such, will not be replaced.