Membership update


Membership Renewal Guide:

Hello Friends

Membership subscriptions are due for renewal before 1st March 2025 and can be renewed now. We value your continued support and details of how to renew are outlined below.

The subscriptions for 2024 are as follows:

  • Individual: £20
  • Joint: £25 (two adults at same address)
  • Junior: £1 (Up to 18 years of age)
  • Student: £15 (For ages 18-25)
  • Family: £30 (two adults plus children up to 18 years of age)
  • Individual Life: £300
  • Joint Life: £400


Renewal requests will be sent out at the end of January either by email or by letter for those members where we do not have an email address. You will not receive a renewal request if you are a Life Member or where you have already paid for the upcoming Membership Year of 1st March 2025 to 28th February 2026. For anyone else that has not received a renewal request, please contact the Membership Office by email to [email protected] or in writing to FoSCL Membership Services, Appleby Railway Station, Clifford Street, Appleby in Westmorland, Cumbria, CA16 6TT.


Utilising the Membership System Many thanks to all our members that have already renewed by card or PayPal utilising the new membership system

The system is quick and simple to use. We encourage all our members to renew this way as it avoids postage costs and immediately provides you with a renewal confirmation plus digital membership card that is sent by email.


For those members receiving their renewal request by email, there is a link to the new membership system to enable you to confirm your details and pay by card or PayPal. Job done, simple as that!

If you have received your renewal request by letter, we encourage you to use the membership system. To enable you to do this, kindly share your email address and membership number by emailing us at [email protected]. We will then update our records and email you a renewal request with a link for you to confirm your details and make payment.


Note: For all those making payment utilising the membership system, please remember to cancel any standing order that may still be in place.


We recognise our members may wish to renew by alternative methods:

Cheques should be payable to FoSCL and sent to: FoSCL Membership Services, Appleby Railway Station, Clifford Street, Appleby in Westmorland, Cumbria, CA16 6TT. Please quote your membership number on the back of the cheque.

To pay by BACS, please make payment to Friends of the Settle-Carlisle Line, Sort Code 20-78-42, Account No 93121526 and quote your membership number

To pay by Standing Order, please instruct your bank to make payment to Friends of the Settle-Carlisle Line, Sort Code 20-78-42, Account No 93121526 and quote your membership number. Payments are to be made on or before 1st March.


Any queries regarding your membership should be directed to membership@settle-



Renewal Date: Our membership year runs from 1st March to 28th February with subscriptions due on or before 1st March. If your subscription is not received then further reminders will be issued and there will be a grace period before your membership benefits cease, which include the quarterly Journal.


Digital Journal: There is now an option to receive your Journal in digital format direct to your email. Whilst this will be more environmentally friendly and save postage costs, there are additional benefits for those who are partially sighted. By reading the Journal on your computer or tablet, it means that the wording may be enlarged on screen therefore making it easier to read. Should you wish to receive a digital copy, please select this option when renewing on the membership system or simply advise the membership office.



Thank you again for your continued support and should you have any questions about your membership please do not hesitate to contact us.