The front panels of the northbound waiting shelter at Ribblehead station have been replaced by volunteers from the Friends of the Settle-Carlisle Line and the Settle and Carlisle Railway Trust working in partnership with Network Rail. Although the shelter Is only some 20 years old, dating from the building of a new northbound platform to replace the one demolished to make way for the quarry siding, it had seriously deteriorated and the timber decayed.
The old frontage at the start of replacement work
The new frontage was constructed with modern materials better suited to the harsh environment at the site than the softwoods previously used. The design is sympathetic to the line’s heritage and includes traditional bullseye windows and diagonal matchboard panels to better reflect the original Midland Railway buildings along the line.
The new frontage
The woodwork was produced by skilled volunteer Ged Pinder in FoSCL’s workshop in Settle. Wonder of Wood in Stainforth gave support with the design and by machining items beyond the capability of the FoSCL workshop facilities. The project was jointly funded by FoSCL, the S&C Railway Trust and the S&C Development Company and is a great example of cooperation across the S&C family. Network Rail gave constant encouragement and assistance with the project and provided on-site supervision during the installation.
Replacement of the woodwork and glass went well and was completed in just two days.