This is the first monthly newsletter, intended to keep everyone informed of events and notices. It also affords myself the opportunity to say what a pleasure it has been to meet many of you and to hear of your contributions.
My work background features transport planning and primary teaching. I spent my early career working with volunteers in Cambridgeshire to develop ‘community transport’ initiatives, namely car and bus schemes which aimed to give mobility to people isolated from other means of transport. I then spent 22 years teaching and leading in primary schools, mainly in Bradford, but ultimately at Horton in Ribblesdale. Many of you will be aware that it closed last year, and I took the opportunity to pursue a cause close to my heart, promoting cycling in West Yorkshire for the sustainable transport charity Sustrans. My connection with the Settle Carlisle line goes back to 1983, when I made the study of the case for keeping the line open a significant part of my degree course. I do possess a rather clunky (and slightly embarrassing) video of my work, featuring a full head of hair, which may yet see the light of day….
In this role I intend for visitors on the line to have the best experience possible, and to engage with the wider community in order to fully realise the value of the line. I will work with you to focus on Ribblehead VC at first to enhance what we offer visitors.
8th/9th September - ‘All Stations Go’ art event
This will feature the work of local artists, displayed at Ribblehead, Horton, and Settle stations. The event will be staffed by the artists themselves. It is an opportunity to welcome people who may otherwise not visit, and to engage with local businesses.
2nd – 16th October - Photographic Display, RVC
Photographs of local people, presented by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust. As with the above, this is an opportunity for us to develop more links with the Dales community along the Settle-Carlisle Line
Many of you have shared your ideas for how we may improve what we offer at Ribblehead and beyond. Please keep these ideas coming. You will have noticed that there has not been an immediate response, but please be assured that every contribution is noted, and will be considered for inclusion into a development plan. Items for inclusion on subsequent newsletters are always welcome too.
Martin Bishop
07946223467 (New number pending)