Special Geology Event


Ribblehead: Footsteps in Time 

Wednesday 3rd July 

Free geology event in the search of the material sources used for the building of the viaduct. We have geologist , Bill Fraser, to guide us on this 6 mile journey. Reflect back in time 325 million years to when Ribblehead was part of a land  mass near the equator with  its tropical seas and sun-bleached sand   We will visit the viaduct to identify the fossilised remains of the creatures living in those warm seas as visible in the limestone blocks. Move closer to the ice ages which sculpted the land as we find it today on our way to Littledale and the waterfall.

For those of you who prefer the visitor centre ; stay to talk to us, enjoy our exhibition , discover more about the building of the line here and join a guided stroll to the viaduct. The cafe will be open from 10.30. 

Something for everyone, everyone welcome 

Further details and important information for visitors can we found in our leaflet and on the website. Limited parking, please check train times.